by Annie Beth | Mar 4, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
I like to cook. I’m a little bit of a food snob. That’s why it irks me when my culinary efforts are criticized. Today I found one of my children (who will remain nameless) flinging their dinner into the yard. It was really a very considerate act, because...
by Annie Beth | Feb 25, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
My five year old son is learning to tell time. We practice with both digital and conventional clocks. You find mostly digital clocks in our house, because there seems to be a clock on every electric appliance you can think of. There is the microwave clock, the oven...
by Carrie | Feb 22, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46 I am a storyteller in a Godly Play classroom at my church. One of the things I love...
by Annie Beth | Feb 18, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
In the book of Matthew, chapter 22, we find the parable of the wedding garment. A certain king prepares a wedding feast for the marriage of his son. While mingling with the guests, he notices a man who is not wearing a wedding garment. In the context of this story,...
by Annie Beth | Feb 16, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
“The gospel of Jesus Christ—the good news that through Jesus we have been adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family—means that Christians ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans in North America and around the world. Moore does not shy away...
by Annie Beth | Feb 16, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
This has been a long winter. I live in a very cold place that has seen record amounts of snow. Before I had children I used to romanticize such winters, dreaming of frosted windows, bright stars, a roaring fire, snuggling with my man under warm covers. Now it feels...