Description of Space
Signposts Ministries is seeking a commercially zoned property. It can be either an acre or two of land on which we could build, or it can be land with an already existing building on it that would be suitable for our use. The building would need to be around 3,000sq ft. Our preference is to purchase land, or land and building, at a reasonable price, but we would consider a lease situation if we knew we would be allowed to make modifications if necessary, and we would not be unexpectedly forced to leave the property after investing a lot of time and resources into creating a special space. The property would need to be in Union County, with a preference for Indian Trail or Monroe- but we are not restricted to those areas.

Possible Usage of Space

  • Coffee House (product)- the coffee house will focus on high quality coffee, as well as allergy friendly snacks, food options, and coffee condiments. The coffee house would provide a space for parents to sit while they look at resources or talk with and receive support from to SpM employees or other parents.
  • Space Rental (product)- Space will be made available for therapists (all types), tutors, and teachers (dance, art, gym, music etc.), that provide services that would be of interest to the special needs population. Possibly some grant money could be used to support integrated recreational activities.
  • Supervised Recreation Area- (service/product) there will be a supervised recreation area (basically a play place for kids) available for use by families that have come to make use of the coffee shop or resource areas. It could include an area for play, as well as a teen corner (space to do homework/read a book/play foosball) and a sensory room (for children that need a break from too much stimulation). The Recreation Area can also be used to host special needs birthday parties.
  • Speakers (product/service)- free speakers would be invited to come and address topics of interest to special need families as a service. Some small conferences that require a fee may be offered as a “product”.
  • Spiritual Support  Groups (service)- the coffee shop will be the gathering space for our Spiritual Support Groups.
  • Resource Area (service)- the resource area will be a corner of the coffee house that has shelves of special needs resource books and other printed materials or adaptive teaching aids, Bible study materials, etc.
  • Equipment Closet (service)- medical equipment, supplies, and adaptive toys will be offered for loan under our Equipment Loan Program. This room needs to be large enough to hold and organize all our donated supplies.
  • Local and International Missions Programs (service)- the office for our local and international missions programs, as well as our social media outreach, will be housed in this building. A corner of the coffee house will be dedicated to displaying information about our programs, as well as a donation box. People from the community can see our current needs and choose to sign up as volunteers or donors, if they so choose. People from the community can also apply for our local programs if they have any personal needs.


All these activities fit into our mission statement.

Mission Statement

Signposts Ministries’ mission is to serve families that have children with chronic health problems or disabilities, both locally and internationally, for the glory of God, through compassionate, godly care, in a manner that serves the whole person.  We strive to minister to families and meet their needs, to the best of our ability, in all of these areas: social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual.