Sweet Stuff For Your Weekend

Sweet Stuff For Your Weekend

Sweet Stuff is an ongoing feature in the Signposts Community where we share uplifting and inspirational stories from around the web that put people with disabilities, or disability itself, in a positive light. Feel free to email us anytime if you have something to...
The Fear of the Unknown

The Fear of the Unknown

I’m about twenty weeks pregnant. I don’t know if you knew that. I just went to my first doctor’s appointment — a little late in the game, firstly because I don’t like doctor’s appointments and I hate having blood taken, and second...
Enjoying the Summer

Enjoying the Summer

As far as I can tell, there is only one disability that prevents someone from enjoying summer– the disability of being so wrapped-up in yourself that you forget to relax. Being able to get outdoors and enjoy nature, to enjoy spending time with other people, to...


To any readers who may be out there: I start with the assumption that being free from disabilities is good. Heaven is going to be a disability-free zone, and I will rejoice with everyone who has the opportunity to overcome disabilities in this life. However, the...