Join us at Signposts Ministries as we share encouraging posts for parents. Christian reflection, educational content, and funny stories are mixed together on these pages just as these different aspects of parenting special needs children get mixed together in our real lives.
Did You Make a New Year’s Resolution?
We've just finished January, but perhaps New Year's questions like these are still looming in your mind: What will this year hold? Will I lose weight this year? What contributions can I make to my community? Will I be more financially secure? What surgeries are...
Hi, Folks! {Introducing Pastor Tony Sisk}
The Signposts Team is very excited to welcome another new member to our team this month! Tony Sisk, the newest addition to the SPM crew, is a pastor based in North Carolina. We look forward to Pastor Tony sharing his wisdom, and his personal experience of...
Sweet Stuff: People with Disabilities in the Spotlight
Sweet Stuff is a new feature in the Signposts Community, where we share uplifting and inspirational stories from around the web that put people with disabilities, or disability itself, in a positive light. Feel free to email us anytime if you have something to...
Homemade Deodorant and Precocious Puberty
Today I found an interesting question on one of list serves I am a member of. A mother stated that her daughter (who has a disability) was going through precocious (early) puberty, and the mom had started using deodorant on her at age 7. The mom was concerned about...
Words, Words, Words.
Whoa, Parents! Ever said anything to or about your children only to regret it later? Ever used "many words" on a child who you thought was...
If you find a page on Signposts Ministries' site that asks for your banking information- Don't give it! We are not taking donations through any online form except paypal. The site has been hacked and we are trying to resolve this issue.
Receiving Gifts, and Each Other
During my time working on a PhD at the University of Edinburgh, I had the privilege of attending a very special and unique conference on the subject of Theology and Disability, which was held in Holland. I stopped off and visited a dear friend in Amsterdam and...
Close to the Father’s Heart
As daunting as the laws of the Old Testament can sometimes be, digging into them often brings me a more complete, and more beautiful picture of the things that are closest to the heart of God. The nineteenth chapter of Leviticus is a great example. God reminds His...
Is a Disability Always a Burden?
"One of the most insidious myths surrounding disability is that it is a categorical burden, and, in fact, it would be better for people with disabilities never to be born than to live with the challenges presented by Down syndrome or other disabling conditions,"...
My Plans
When I was younger, there were quite a few things I said that I would never say now. Not bad things. Just things like, "I don't care how healthy it is- it tastes good!" 2012 Annie Beth would like to go back and smack some sense into 1992 Annie Beth now. But, some of...