Top Ten- What To Take To The Hospital
It seems like every time I flip through a parenting magazine, I see some kind of "Top Ten" list for expectant mothers. Most of them addressing what to bring to the hospital for the birth of your child. Socks, chapstick, snacks, cute baby clothes... you get the idea....
Are You in Prison?
In Acts chapter 16, we find Paul in a pretty typical circumstance. Paul serves God, people get mad, people throw Paul in prison. Amazingly, Paul never bemoans the fact that God has allowed him to be put in prison. There's no, "God, how could this happen to me? ...
Under Construction
Please excuse any and all oddities you may see on this site. It is under construction, and since we are such good stewards of our finances, we are working together to design this website at no cost. That means a bunch of us here at Signposts Ministries sit around a...
Catheter Collection
Signposts Ministries will be starting a urological catheter collection program. We prefer new catheters, sizes 6fr up to 12fr. However, catheters that have seen a single use may be boiled, dried, and placed in ziplock bags for packaging. Extra packets of lubricant...
MACE/Mitrofanoff Posts
I will be journaling our experience with the MACE/Mitrofanoff procedure over on the Lifestyle Accelerator site. People with spina bifida or spinal cord injury often have these two procedures to help with continence. If you are considering surgery, come see what our...
Lake Park Fall Festival
We were glad to meet new friends today at the Lake Park Fall Festival! If you found our website through this venue, please look around, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our ministry. Newly incorporated in July 2010, we've been...
Facing the Unknown- or How Does it Look From the Front?
This article is my first draft of an article that will be appearing in our adoption agency's newsletter. I wanted to share this with you, whether your child is biological or was adopted. It is a good message for all kinds families that have come together in all...
As Long as It’s Healthy!
I have several friends who are pregnant right now. I remember being pregnant. It was both enjoyable and loathsome at the same time. But then again, I had terrible morning (all day) sickness. That was actually the only loathsome part. Overall, it was pretty fun. ...
Just Believe
In the gospels of Mark and Luke, we find the story of Jairus. Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue- what we would consider a "church leader" today. Jairus had a daughter who was sick "to the point of death". He was truly at the end of his resources. ... We see that...
Gaining Approval
As parents, it's not unusual for us to operate under a cloud of disapproval- at least from from our children. My infant let me know clearly that she disapproved of my decision to put her in a car seat. My two year old expressed his displeasure at my rule of "no...