by Annie Beth | Apr 29, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
I know you are intrigued by my heading. What do eyebrows have to do with Christian parenting? Not much. This post is a little light on the “parenting” part. Although, I do believe that any Biblical truth we learn is applicable to parenting, because...
by Annie Beth | Apr 22, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
I have a few words that I want to share with parents. It’s really two quotes I’ve stolen. One is from a dear friend, and the other is from the Beth Moore Bible study Believing God. The first phrase, that has been jumping to mind often, is “People...
by Caroline | Apr 20, 2011 | Local Ministry Updates
W hen I was a little girl, my family had a place at the beach. We’d head out on Friday afternoons for a weekend trip and I’d watch the world go by out the car window all over again as we made our way home on Sundays. I loved to swim in the ocean. I loved...
by Annie Beth | Apr 18, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
My oldest son just got a new Bible from his dad. Well, technically it’s a small daily devotional book that looks kind of similar to my husband’s pocket size Bible and was gathering dust on the bookshelf but it’s good enough for my imaginative boy. It replaces...
by Annie Beth | Apr 15, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
It is developmentally appropriate for children to go through a phase where they want to do everything for themselves. If they didn’t, they would never grow up, and we’d have a society of 30 year olds that still expect Mom to do their laundry. (If you are...
by Elaine | Apr 13, 2011 | Disability Around The World, Local Ministry Updates
This week marked an important anniversary at my house. Four years ago, April 7, Ethan was trached. It’s one of those dates I’ll never forget. Snapshots from that day will forever be etched in my mind’s eye. Sounds still seem vivid. Hospital corridors...