Social Media Outreach Program
Program Description: The Social Media Outreach Program is a long term program that uses various forms of social media to reach out to families that have children with disabilities and chronic health problems as well as the general public. The Social Media Outreach makes use of the most popular forms of social media to encourage families both spiritually and emotionally, connect them to resources, educate them on the latest information regarding both specific disabilities and general health care, and promote disability awareness to the general public through emailing newsletters, and posting blog entries, photos, links, and articles.
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. – Proverbs 9:9
Program Goals:
To connect families through an online disability community as well as provide information on local groups such as adaptive sports groups and support groups (social and emotional). To educate families on disability issues and promote awareness to the general public (intellectual). To encourage families with devotions and biblically based postings (spiritual). To keep supporters of Signposts Ministries aware of ministry activities through email newsletters and website postings.