Close to the Father’s Heart

Close to the Father’s Heart

As daunting as the laws of the Old Testament can sometimes be, digging into them often brings me a more complete, and more beautiful picture of the things that are closest to the heart of God. The nineteenth chapter of Leviticus is a great example. God reminds His...
Is a Disability Always a Burden?

Is a Disability Always a Burden?

“One of the most insidious myths surrounding disability is that it is a categorical burden, and, in fact, it would be better for people with disabilities never to be born than to live with the challenges presented by Down syndrome or other disabling...
In Books: Shaming the Strong

In Books: Shaming the Strong

The abortion debate is alive and well in the United States today, and it’s likely you have your own opinions about the value of prenatal life, and the question of when life first begins. Perhaps a smaller number of us have thought specifically about the value of...
Tune Your Ears

Tune Your Ears

The verses that begin Proverbs 2 are a familiar encouragement to me: (from the NKJV, v. 1 – 5) My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry...