Join us at Signposts Ministries as we share encouraging posts for parents. Christian reflection, educational content, and funny stories are mixed together on these pages just as these different aspects of parenting special needs children get mixed together in our real lives.
Building or Remodeling Your Home For Accessibility
Under the "Community and Events" tab you can click through to our Ning site and find detailed information on upcoming events. The latest post is about our very first workshop on Universal Design. Click through and get more information! The workshop will include a...
Umm…Male Parental Unit…?
Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Every child, at some point in time, tries out their parent's given name. What preschooler hasn't shouted, "Hey Brad (or John, or Bob...)" at their dad? Most of the...
1 Thessalonians 2:5-8
In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul says, in reference to his conduct toward the church... For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed— God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others,...
Healing To Your Flesh And Refreshment To Your Bones
So, for several days weeks, I've been sick. I've been sick through my anniversary, a couple of my children's surgeries and procedures, and now it looks like, going into yet another surgery with my daughter- I'm still sick. Hospitals don't really appreciate sick...
Life, Out of Control
Five years ago if you’d told me this was what my life would look like, I might’ve laughed and said yeah right. I was in Scotland working on a PhD at the University of Edinburgh (on the topic of Theological Ethics and Prenatal Testing). If my life was a movie, I was...
Where is God?
Psalm 115:2 Why do the nations say, "Where is their God?" I enjoy quiet moments with my children. Reading books, playing games, snuggling before bedtime- these are all wonderful opportunities for furthering our relationship, and they are filled with teachable...
Mission- Be A Good Example
Church missions. Evangelism. Outreach. The Great Commission. These ideas are not limited to the New Testament church. Today I listened to a sermon on Psalm 67. Verses 1-3 state, "God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah. That Your...
The Joy Of The Lord
Do not grieve. For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b I have always loved the last part of this verse. There is a children’s song that repeats those nine words over and over. I learned it at a very young age and it’s been on random repeat...
Mad As Moses
One of the great mysteries of my life was, "After all the miraculous stuff Moses did, why did God ban him from the promised land just for striking a rock?" It kind of scared me. I mean, sure, he didn't follow directions- but maybe he forgot. He was really mad at the...
Finally. The daffodils are blooming and that means that we made it through winter. The warmth of sunshine filled days fills us with new hope. Just a few years ago, one day in late February, I was anticipating the end of our journey. Ethan's next bronchoscopy was in a...