Meet the McAteers- Type 1 Diabetes
Gracie was diagnosed last year with Type 1 Diabetes. Many well-meaning people assume she can’t have sugar…

Meet The Hineses- Epilepsy
The Hineses live in Monroe, North Carolina, and have a daughter diagnosed with epilepsy…

Meet Rebecca- Spina Bifida
Rebecca discusses what her experience with spina bifida has been like, living in Kenya and Tanzania…

Meet The Andersons- Spina Bifida
Where Do You Live? North Carolina Tell Us About Your Family… We are a family of four, soon to be 5, with our oldest son being born with Spina Bifida. His lesion is in the L4/L5 region which we have seen affect his mobility from the waist down and other functions of...

Meet The Conklin Family- Spina Bifida
The Conklin family is very active in their local community and has a wealth of information to share…

Meet The Backuses- Cerebral Palsy
Meet the Backus family, from Mint Hill, NC, and learn about their love of adaptive sports!

Meet The Matyseks- Cerebral Palsy
Where Do You Live? We're in Lake Park. Tell Us About Your Family… Ron and I have been married since 1989, so almost 27 years. We have a daughter, Meagan, who is 24 and married to a wonderful man, JC. They are expecting their first child in August. We are fortunate...

Meet The Petrilaks – Autism
Where Do You Live? Indian Trail, North Carolina (Originally from Stony Brook, NY) Tell Us About Your Family… My husband Rob and I have two children: Rachel (11) and Robbie (8). My husband is an electrical engineer, and I am a pre-school teacher. We decided to move...

Meet The Hiltons- Autism
Jason and I have been married 10 years, and we have two children, John and Ruth. John is 9 and Ruth is 7…

Meet The Donahues- Autism
My husband Brad and I have four children: Ben (11), Anna (10), Emily (8), and Caleb (7). My husband manages his family’s greenhouse. I stay home and homeschool the oldest three children. Caleb, who has autism, goes to 1st grade at Porter Ridge Elementary.